Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Dream Team Challenge Blog #9 Week 8

Ilham Harith Bin Zulhazri
Dream Team Challenge Blog #9 Week 8

For this week, we worked on our logo for our project. We decided to do it later around this week because the logo making process did not take such a long time as we already decided what our logo was going to look like and what the color schemes were going to be.This is our final logo:-

This is our poster for our application.We used 4 different colors and different icons to represent the subjects in our app.

Color Schemes and Meaning:-

-The color red represents the term 'enthusiastic'. This is because, when kids are doing school projects, it's always exciting and it makes the individual be filled with excitement and joy! 
-The color blue represents the term 'intelligence'. This basically means that those who use this app will have the chance to receive and apply knowledge based on the experiments that they have done.
-The color green represents the term 'adventure'. The reason to why we chose 'adventure' is because, that's how everybody is when they're trying to experience something new and exciting. They explore/ have an adventure to discover new things.
-The color yellow represents the term 'positivity'. The term speaks for itself. Positive is key when trying to gain or apply knowledge. With the power of positivity,anything is possible to accomplish.

For these logos, these are what the logos would look like if they were published on mobile:-
These are 3 symbols we designed when published through mobile.

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Dream Team Challenge Blog #10 Week 8

Ilham Harith Bin Zulhazri 1161104005 Dream Team Challenge Blog #10 Week 8 In this entry, we're finally doing our illustrations fo...