Monday, August 20, 2018

Dream Team Challenge Blog #7 Week 7

Ilham Harith Bin Zulhazri
Dream Team Challenge Blog #7 Week 7

In this week,we have finally made our decisions on how our art style will look like and what our showcase is going to be like. Our decisions weren't technically discussed as a group but was discussed mainly by me and Ira considering we'll be doing most of the work here.So this is what our final art style is going to be like:-

We have decided to combine both the art style from TellTale Games and The Sims together and creating something that looks less cartoonish (The Sims) and less grim (TellTale Games).

 TellTale Games

The Sims

The reason why we chose these art styles,is because we agree on the usage of lines/outlines on TellTale Games look absolutely stunning! That's just for the outlines.For the colors however,they look too gloomy and has a dark a mood around it.At least that's from my opinion and I thought of using The Sims' colors and art style just because they actually look fun and that's what we want in our app.Fun is the main objective for our audience.

So how are we going to design it and what are we going to use?
Well the answer to that is,with the power of Adobe Photoshop,Adobe Illustrator and a camera.We've decided to take pictures of one of our teammates, and place him in positions that we want for our showcase.This was the discussion on how the procedure is going to take place:-

After an unfortunate event,Ira was not able to join us due to personal reasons. So to that, I had to do it on my own and discuss it with Ira later on.In the chat above, we've agreed on meeting up in front of the Faculty of Engineering. I met up with Izzat,Fitri and Aqilah there and we started taking pics for the art style.

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