Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Week 5 (4th August 2017): Opinions on The Internet

Week 5: 4th August 2017


 Meet our persona, Aliando Syariff.He is a 17 year old male and currently living in the United States with his family.He enjoys playing video games and oftenly online video games with his friends during his leisure time.

Aliando has just started his Foundation in Creative Multimedia in Multimedia University,Cyberjaya.He is also thinking of studying for his degree there after his Foundation year.Even though he spends most of his time with video games,he still takes his responsibility very seriously and strictly.Also to mention,Aliando is a very good drawer/artist and also a talented as a tactician.His aim is to develop brilliant video games suitable for both teenagers and kids.Aliando's dream is to enter The American Dream for once in his lifetime and even though his life may seem a little bit too perfect,he has a lot of challenges to face in order to achieve his life dream.

Impacts of the Internet in Society
1.News reports and articles are easily updated by others and to others
2.Number 1 source of media
3.Has everything you could possibly want to search for
4.Used as an everyday life activity
5.Best place to research things easier and faster

1.Young teenagers may use it for negative things
2.Can be used to spread fake news and hoaxes
3.Too much time spending on the internet by doing irrelavant activites
4.Private and confidential things can be easily scammed by anonymous users

My Opinion About the Internet
I have to admit that,I personally use the Internet 24/7.It's so crazy to think about it too.Whenever i'm in the public,I always have the Internet around me.When i'm in class,I have it.Ironically,i'm writing this blog whilst browsing through the internet.I honestly can't live without the internet.It's the sad truth,but it's true.I mean,I could live without it just for A WHILE.But if it takes too long,i'll feel like i'm living in the caveman years.The Internet has been around for a long time now and with the power of technology and the intelligence of mankind,the Internet gets better and better.It is the best place to look for absolutely ANYTHING.You could literally learn Maths just by watching a YouTube video.The Internet is possibly the best thing that has ever happened.Without it,I have no idea what this world would be like.Yes,I am aware that most cases are caused by the internet.Mainly because of cyberbullying.But how I look at it,if you are very careful with what you do around the Internet,i'm 100% you will be just fine.


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